These modern, bright bulletin board borders are a beautiful addition to any classroom. The digital download comes with five versions that are perfect to print, laminate, and display in your classroom.
Each download can be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper. Borders will print three inches wide. Simply print, cut, laminate, and attach to create a custom border for your modern classroom.
The printable borders are available to download immediately after placing your order.
What’s Included:
- Retro Print Border PDF
- Blue Striped Border PDF
- Yellow Striped Border PDF
- Pink and Orange Scalloped Border PDF
- Green and White Scalloped Border PDF
Need borders for your whiteboard? Check out our new reusable whiteboard cling borders. The borders cling to the whiteboard without adhesive so you can easily reposition them.
How to Download:
- Download on the Checkout page after placing your order. You can also access the downloads via email.
- Email with any issues.
Terms Of Use:
- Purchase of this resource entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce pages in limited quantities for single classroom or homeschool use only.
- Duplication for a friend, another staff member, entire school or commercial purpose without the purchase of an additional license is strictly forbidden.
- Copying any part of this resource and placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal or classroom website/school server) is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).